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[lifeline2_simple_info_output title=”Our Vision” sub_title=”Latinas as leaders and decision-makers at every level of business, organizational and community engagement.” bg_image=”756″]

[lifeline2_custom_impact_output title=”HEALER & WARRIOR” description=”The dual role Latinas have in their families and community as both a healer and a warrior is the foundation of ELLA, recognizing that as natural leaders, we hold genuine concern for and take action towards optimal health and well-being for ourselves, our loved ones and the environment around us.” image=”768″][lifeline2_custom_impact_output title=”COLLABORATIVE” description=”ELLA works with many allies because we are stronger together. We recognize the full worth of our partnerships and our shared values. We welcome the opportunity to listen to partner expertise and solutions while leveraging each other’s expertise and power.” image=”809″]

[lifeline2_custom_impact_output title=”JUSTICE” description=”Justice is the goal in everything ELLA does. Advocating that Latinas be recognized for their capacity and contributions, and be justly rewarded by tangible and equitable success. Within the larger community, we believe that peace, fairness, and access are fundamental to the principle of justice.” image=”772″][lifeline2_custom_impact_output title=”PURPOSE WITH INTENTIONALITY” description=”ELLA believes in the right of self-determination for all women, to be free to live as she chooses. We have a greater purpose than any one specific role. We help Latinas to realize that right to live their purpose with thoughtful intention, creating and shaping her present and future according to her own goals and expectations.” image=”814″]

[lifeline2_custom_impact_output title=”LEADERSHIP” description=”ELLA thoughtfully sets it’s direction. With our core values, we prioritize where we see the most need in Latina advocacy and education. We take the reigns to do what’s right for and with our hermanas, being fearless change agents. We don’t sit on the sidelines, we actively engage in problem-solving.” image=”794″][lifeline2_custom_impact_output title=”AUTHENTICITY” description=”ELLA is uninhibited and acts with integrity, sincerity and faith. We encourage Latinas to be true to who they are and take pride in our culture, while understanding that their uniqueness is what makes them powerful. We are beautifully who we are, unapologetically.” image=”784″]

[lifeline2_custom_impact_output title=”COURAGE & ACTION” description=”ELLA walks the talk. Taking action means the willingness to take calculated risks and time is too fleeting to be weighed down by fear. We find our strength in numbers and knowledge, and we act swiftly to create the changes needed to see improvements in our lives and community.” image=”807″][lifeline2_custom_impact_output title=”AMPLIFY OUR VOICES & VISIBILITY” description=”ELLA puts Latinas front and center. Latinas and their contributions have lived in the shadows for far too long, with little recognition. We have countless talented, intelligent and trailblazing compaƱeras. We are dedicated to saying their names, celebrating and profiling them for others to learn from.” image=”888″]

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